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內視鏡(胃鏡)減重Bariatric Endoscopy


新悅美型醫學診所劉家嘉醫師減重團隊已治癒超過一千五百多名來自台灣各地以及美國,英國,澳洲,香港,澳門,中國,馬來西亞,新加坡,菲律賓,印尼,日本與韓國等世界各地的肥胖與罹患代謝症候群(糖尿病,高血壓,高血脂,脂肪肝,高尿酸血症…等)的患者。劉家嘉醫師是目前全球胃鏡縫胃/胃鏡縮胃/無痕胃拉提/ESG手術的指導老師,訂書針縫胃/柏氏釘/POSE 2.0 DH的認證指導老師,更是亞洲胃鏡縫胃ESG手術指定教學醫師,全球各大肥胖醫學會議的定期講者。

Superintendent Chia-Chia (Amy) Liu M.D. in New Delight Medical Clinic has already treated more than 1500 patients who struggled with obesity and metabolic problems(Diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, hyperuricemia…etc.) from Taiwan, America, United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, Macao, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippine, Indonesia, Japan and Korea. Dr. Liu is a world-famous and global certificated proctor of Endoscopy sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) and Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal 2.0 Double Helix (POSE 2.0 DH). She is also the designated proctor of ESG in Asia and common speakers and moderators in most world obesity conferences.

New Delight Medical Clinic (N.D.M.C.) Weight Loss Center devoted to bariatric endoscopy for several years. We provide only the best, safest and most comprehensive obesity treatments, teams and cares.

胃鏡縫胃/無痕胃拉提 / ESG
釘書針縫胃 / POSE 2.0 DH
胃內肉毒注射手術/IG Botox
胃內水球手術/IG Ballon
切胃/胃復胖/ TORe

2025 胃鏡縫胃ESG/無痕胃拉提手術影片解析: